Saturday, July 19, 2008

Addictive Personality & Books

So, I've been told I have an addictive personality. Nothing recent, but just throughout my life. Now, the problem with this is that you have a hard time finding balance. You get into something, and you forget about half the other things you ought to be thinking about. Take me, for example. I get into a good book, and I forget that I should go to sleep at a decent hour. I fill all my "free" moments with reading, because I'm immersed in the writer's world and want to "continue the dream," so to speak, and find out what happens next. As a result, other things fall off my radar. Most of the things don't really matter too much, but occasionally K reminds me that I'm forgetting to pay enough attention to what matters most, and then I need to stop and reassess. Fortunately, I usually only get THAT immersed toward the end of a book when I'm close to finishing. There's something about finishing a book that is SO satisfying. Still, the fact that I'm so distractible is concerning to me. I clearly need to watch that closely.

I just finished another book in the Ender's Game series, which has quickly become one of my favorite series of books (along with Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter). I read it in three days, but my sleep suffered as a result. One night of this isn't a big deal, but I definitely start to notice if it goes on any longer than that. I feel different, and I don't think through things as clearly. I need at least 6.5 or 7 hours on a regular basis to feel tops.

Anyway - there are several leisurely things I like to do with my time when I get the chance. Of course, reading is one of them. I also enjoy photography, blogging, gaming (although I'm not a true "gamer" -- that title is reserved for a whole different sub-species of human for whom gaming takes on a whole new meaning in their existence), writing and various outdoor activities. Problem is, I haven't found a good balance of these activities. If I'm spending time on one, I don't really think to build in time for the others. This is something I want to change, as I really love photography, and I really want to blog more regularly. And this is where the addictive personality comes in -- I just don't think of it...

Anyway - enough of my rambling. I'll try to remember (again) to jump on and ramble (albeit in shorter and more frequent spurts) more often... :)

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