Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Scary Monsters

So, K went upstairs tonight to respond to our little O, who was yelling about being scared at bedtime. The interaction was precious enough that I had to post. Here's how it went:
O: I'm scared.

Mom: Why are you scared?

O: 'Cause of monsters.

Mom: When's the last time you saw a monster in our house?

O: I had a dream about a goat … on a roller coaster … with no seat … and it made a face like this… But that wasn't a monster… [cute smile]

And here's a recent picture that captures the face he made to K depicting the goat on the roller coaster with no seats. ;)

1 comment:

Melanie and Ernie said...

O looks so grown up. And i have had that same goat dream...it is scary