Tuesday, January 5, 2010


"Anonymous" made a comment today that (s)he has a hard time keeping up on blogging because of the need to feel like what (s)he writes is creative and interesting. I'm with ya, Anon. I usually hold back from writing until I feel like I have something really interesting to say. Not sure that's the point, though, is it? Maybe a blog is just a dialogue with the rest of the world about life - creating interactions for mutual enlightenment...

Of course, my K last night made a comment about how my blog needs to be more interesting. She compared me to CJane (who I suspect has more time to put into her blog than I do), who she said is much more interesting. Of course, after reading CJane's blog, I can't disagree. Her blog is WAY more interesting to read than mine. :\

Hmmm... Maybe I should hold off writing again until I think of something more creative to post about...


1 comment:

The Cuckoo's Nest said...

I didn't say you weren't interesting. Only that you need to use more storytelling. Like we learn in grade school...show not tell. When I read I wnat to be captivated. Hook me and reel me in babe...