Thursday, March 12, 2009

Aha! Moments

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like every step you take, you're having another "Aha!" moment? Times when something clicks about yourself -- either through feedback from someone else or from simple self realization? It's now 10:39 a.m., and I've already had several of those this morning... I'm excited, because they're clear enough in my mind that I see how improving myself in these areas will bring me both more peace and greater confidence. So, here's my list:
  • Simplify! Elder L. Tom Perry (an apostle) gave a great talk in the Oct. 2008 General Conference about simplifying our lives. I've been thinking about this lately and (to be honest) procrastinated acting on it a bit, knowing that I was going to be laid up around the house for a week after my surgery. But I need to do this...
  • Be engaged/present wherever I am. Sometimes I'm distracted by the temptation to multi-task -- at home and at work. I need to stop doing that and pay more attention to what's in front of me.
  • Process in advance as much as possible. I'm a "processor," so I often need time to internalize info and consider the factors involved before responding. The "aha" for me today is that I can ask for meeting materials in advance and do a lot of my processing ahead of time, instead of after the meeting. Then I can contribute more on-the-spot.
  • I don't have to have all the answers. I've been told this before, but for some reason, when I heard this today from my client, it resonated in a different way. There are a lot of people who have put time and effort into finding great solutions to the same (or similar) tough problems that we face today. Ask for time to go back and consult with others rather than thinking I have to know it all to be valuable. :)
  • Ask for feedback more often. I'm always amazed at how empowering it feels to receive honest feedback about how I'm doing. If I'm blind to my gaps, I can't progress. But with knowledge, I can take action.

I hope this is helpful to someone else. But if not, it's still helpful to write it down for my own benefit. :) I'm sure I'll have more "aha's" as the day goes on. It's just that kind of day!


ecotton6 said...

So true...It's one thing to teach this everyday, in one form or another, it's another to remember to actually live it. Thanks for the reminder.

a wynn wynn situation said...

Great list! These are all things I need to remember and work on. THanks