Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stopped Counting after 10...

I have to start this post by saying that fly fishing is not about how many fish you catch or how big they were. It's about pitting yourself against nature and enjoying the great outdoors and relaxing to the cast, etc. But, when you're a newbie flyfisher like me, there's something to be said for having a killer evening on the river. That was tonight... I went out in the late afternoon expecting not to catch much, if anything, because they usually don't start rising until around 9:15 or so. But, almost as soon as I cast off my fly, I started ripping them out of the water. Not big, but plenty of them to make up for it! I did grab a couple of 14 inchers, though -- all rainbows...

The bad part of having such a good time fishing, though, is that I spent a couple hours more doing it than I'd planned. I'd hoped to get a long night of sleep in after working for a while, but alas, no such luck. Even now, I still have some work to do before a couple of meetings tomorrow. Ugh...

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