So, I mentioned on my Facebook page that I want to become a more prolific writer. It's actually one of my goals for 2010 -- "Write more, starting with my blog." My problem is that I often have a hard time thinking of things to write about. That's why I asked people to send me questions to answer. You know, make it more of a dialogue, rather than just me spewing forth my many nuggets of wisdom and brilliance. ;)
Here goes nothin'...
Juliana Hind asks: "What does prolific mean to you?"
You'd think this would be an easy question, but not so much. It means I actually have to put a stake in the ground and commit to some level of prolificity (yeah, I know, that's not a word -- not a problem). Problem is, that would also imply that I've given it that much thought, which of course I have... not. Actually, I've given it a lot of thought, but this is one of those things that I've gone back and forth on so many times that I somewhat doubt my own ability to stay consistent. In other words, I've recommitted myself to writing so many times and then fell away from it that I wonder how long I'll last this time??
So, parenthetical question... How many of you have tried to change something over and over and over again, only to continually fall back into the same old habits you're trying to change? If your answer to that question is "not me!" then either I seriously doubt your grasp on reality, or I really admire your sticktoitedness. In any case, I'll probably write about this again sometime (changing things in our personal lives), but not today. For now, I just want to know how you've gone about changing something about yourself that you struggled for a long time to change and then, finally, succeeded? How'd you do it? What was different about it that last time?
Anyway (which, according to all my old high school friends used to mean "go to that hot place down under" -- and I don't mean Australia), back to the question... What do I mean by prolific? What am I willing to commit myself to this year? How about 2-3 posts a week to start with? If I do more than that, great! It'll be easier if y'all engage in a dialogue with me, so help me out! Answer my questions, and ask me more! Be creative! I'll try to answer as many questions as I can, whether I have any clue about the subject or not. :)
Could be interesting...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
My wife says it's not obvious what I mean by "the hot place down under," so lest anyone is confused, I'm sayin' that we used to joke in HS that saying "anyway" (you know, like in the lull of a conversation) was just another way of saying, "go to h-e-double-toothpick." (Just keepin' it clean...)
Ahhh...the old "I really am going to change this, this time..."I actually have said that same thing, only what I mean is...I will do better at keeping in touch. And then, I can't find ways to "be creative", or interesting,or original, so I end up not saying anything and lots of time goes by. Hmmm, why do I feel like it has to be interesting and creative???? Because yours is so interesting..?? I really do enjoy your questions and insights.
@Anonymous - Is this the same "Anonymous" as the first comment?? Is there a reason for the anonymity? Or are you willing to disclose your identity? ;)
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