I was walking fast, focused on the million things I need to do during my one free (i.e., not in meetings) hour this afternoon. I passed in front of the elevators...
...where a couple of women were laughing as one was holding the elevator door open and saying goodbye. It was obvious their laughter was genuine -- not just a polite laugh between professionals kind of thing.*** Totally useless interruption: I just saw a truck drive by outside with
a big, red "open sleigh" in the back... Tis the season! ***
My "moment" came when I looked up and smiled. Nothing intentional, not meaning to say hi or anything. Their laughter tore me out of my hurried and harried (or maybe overly focused) condition and just plain made me smile. And that smile must have made the endorphines flow or something, because I was suddenly happier than I was just a minute before. And it struck me -- laughter makes people smile. Sounds like a "duh" statement, huh? But it feels so profound! Laughter can shake others out of their minute-to-minute grind and shoot a ray of sunshine into their day, like the one tiny hole in the clouds outside my window right now provides a glimpse of blue sky on an otherwise totally gray day (ok, now it's gone, but the point remains).
The other impression I got that hit me in the same moment was that I don't laugh/smile enough, at least not in a deep and true way. I have let myself get too sucked up in the daily grind to remember very often how truly good life is, even amidst all the turmoil in the world right now. There is so much for me/us to be grateful for. Why be stressed? I love my work and there will be more of it tomorrow! ;)
Finally, I'm going to admit something I'm not very proud of. I know, I know -- too much disclosure going on here... But it's important to me. Too often, I get put off by my boys' laughter. It's loud and sometimes obnoxious. But what would I rather have? Sad and sullen sons? Of course not! I love that they're happy and enjoy playing with each other and being kids! I need to let myself be more infected by their laughter and energy! I need to laugh with them and play more often.
Hmmm... I think I just identified next year's focus (I don't like to call them resolutions or goals -- it's rather the thing I want to keep in the back of my mind all year, at all times)... This year it was peace -- and I still have a long way to go on that one. But next year, it's going to be "Be of good cheer!" Smile! Laugh!
And, of course, these are my favorite smilers/laughers in a couple of my favorite smiling photos:

good stuff J. laughter is infectious, just as you described it. embrace the silliness.
Love the post..I also have one question. How do you do the selective coloring that I've seen you do on your blog and photo blog, I'd love to learn...let me know your secrets.
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